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» Kasey's Peru trip 10/17
Kasey's Peru trip 10/17


This morning, the rain puttered in.  Some light drops here and there.  Hearing the rain always makes the 4 am wake up much more pleasant.  Coffee in the Wi-Fi room before Dr. Bee and I head to the zip lines and breakfast are just so amazing out here in the jungle.  Breakfast is standardly awesome and we vamanos early to the canopy so we can make it back for lunch.  I am getting really proficient in my Spanglish.  It’s a terrible habit.  Any who, Dr. Bee and I trek to the zip lines with another family.  They are from Wisconsin and have been to this part of Peru before.  We talk a lot about all their exotic travels.  Their stories are mesmerizing and it fuels my desire to visit far off lands.  We make it to the zip lines and Dr. Bee tells me she is scared, yet she is the first one on the line and jumps without hesitation. 

She charged down the zip line with a hilarious witches giggle.  I videotaped her and when she sees the video she even laughed and said, “I’ll get you my pretty,” in a witchy tone.  It is hilarious.  Before I head over to the other side of the canopy, I climb a small ladder that takes me higher into the tree canopy.  One of the guides tells us that the climbing ladder is over 150ft above the jungle floor.  I can definitely feel the height pierce through my body once or twice as I look down.  An ominous feel passes over as the tree sways in the warm wind.  The high trees are alive with bird sounds and the view of the treetops as far as I can see is breathtaking. 

Now I climb down shaking a little bit, and the guides have asked me to help secure the other zip liners because I have used these harnesses before with my uncle up in Washington.    So I press forward in front of the rest of our crew and help accept people to the next platform.  After four platforms of some very beautiful and high zip lining, we repel down to the floor and make our way back to camp.  We are all drenched with sweat because the clouds have cleared and the sun and humidity are relentless.  So I make a quick change of clothes before lunch then head over to the dining hall.  After a quick lunch, I say goodbye to some great people that I have met here.  Tomaz and Anna as well as a really cool couple from Canada make their departure today and it is a great day but sad for me to see them go.  We have spent some really good time conversing and laughing here in the jungle.  So lunch is bitter sweet and over quickly.  Dr. Bee, Dolly and I head over to the village to let Dr. Bee say her goodbye’s after lunch.  Before leaving, Dr. Bee stops by the market where the local women weave baskets and other items that they sell to passing tourists. 

The doctor departs and Dolly and I stay back to buy a few things.  She makes the girls laugh by telling them that I should buy a frog ring holder to propose to my girlfriend with.  HA! I said that won’t happen anytime soon and they all laugh.  This concludes our afternoon activity and we head back to the lodge.  After a quick cup of coffee, it is time for soccer with the crew!  Tonight was a really competitive game, and I only score one freaking goal.  After the game, we jump in the Amazon River to wash and cool off.  Once refreshed, it’s back to the room to change for dinner.  The food is phenomenal.  Tonight is grilled catfish with a spicy chili sauce and it’s easily one of my favorite dishes here.  Post dinner activities include, but are not limited to: night swimming, pictures, canoeing to see the Milky Way, a beer, and as much sleep as I can handle.  I am thankful to be able to fit so many activities and great people into one day. 

This place is truly special.

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