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Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Did you know that running is one of the most popular activities for people of all ages? In fact, almost 60 million people participate in some form of running activity each year in the United States alone.    Many people begin running for various reasons, physical health, mental health, training for a race/competition, or just for fun. While running has its many benefits, injuries are very common. Here are our tips to prevent running injuries:

1. Wear Proper Footwear- Selecting the proper tennis shoes are very important when you begin running. Make sure they fit just right on your feet and don’t forget to replace them every 300-500 miles.

2. Warm-Up/ Cool Down- A proper warm-up and cool-down are essential before and after your run. Dynamic stretches are great to do before your run. Some examples include arm swings, front lunges, and hip openers. Static stretching is also very important to do afterward some examples are quad stretches, hamstring stretches, and pectoral stretches. 
                                                                                               Pictured is our tech Margo warming up.

3.  Add in strength training- Even if running is your preferred exercise, adding in weights can help build your muscles and prevent injury.
                                                       Pictured is our tech Thomas doing some upper body training on the TRX.

4. Know your limits- Overtraining can lead to overuse of your muscles and result in injury. Remember to let your body recover. 

Here at Galena Sport Physical Therapy, we can help you achieve your running goals! We prevent injury by teaching you how to sustain good posture and muscle balance and prescribing a personalized program tailored to your needs. Come in and get an evaluation from one of our therapists so you can excel in your running goals! 

For more information on running tips, stretches, and proper equipment, visit our website:


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